Dependent devices are not smart

Dependent devices are not smart
A smart home, grounded on earth, not on the clouds
The “smart” home of the future: a paradise where devices cater to our every need, adjust to our routines, and offer unprecedented convenience. While this dream is often powered by proprietary systems and platforms, we’ll explore why the Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) movement and Linux can offer a more reliable, user-controlled alternative.

‘Joan is Awful’: A Critique of Big Tech’s Privacy Intrusions Through Black Mirror

'Joan is Awful': A Critique of Big Tech's Privacy Intrusions Through Black Mirror
It's just fiction, isn't it?
In this blog post, we take a deep dive into Black Mirror's 'Joan is Awful' (S06E01), exploring how the episode, though couched in dystopian fiction, beautifully underscores the alarming realities of big tech and serves as an unexpected yet powerful rallying cry for the Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) community.

If you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear, or do you?

If you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear, or do you?
Strong penguin mother protecting her baby penguin, "Little Data"
In the digital tundra where our lives are as exposed as a penguin on an iceberg, we're redefining privacy. From "I’m as transparent as ice" to "I’m a penguin with a fortress," this post explores the need to protect our fishy secrets and why even law-abiding penguins shouldn't parade naked.

VPNs - Oh sweet summer child

VPNs - Oh sweet summer child
The elusive world of VPNs
In the realm of Cyberworld, VPNs are akin to knights guarding your privacy. However, they cannot singlehandedly protect you from all the monsters lurking in the Interweb Forest. It's essential to arm yourself with knowledge and the right tools, as your journey through the Cyberworld is filled with threats like Tracker Cookies and DNS Dragons. It's not just about having the right VPN, but also about adopting secure practices to enhance your protection.